Thursday, August 27, 2020
Life Of Theodora Effectà On Theatre
Life Of Theodora Effectñ⢠On Theater Free Online Research Papers Theodora, of Greek Cypriot de?cent,[4] wa? brought into the world a? aerted by ?ome hi?torian? on the i?le of Crete in Greece, however other one? regi?ter her origin a? ?yria. Nicephoru? Calli?tu? Xanthopoulo? title? Theodora a local of Cypru?. Patria, ascribed to George Codinu?, aertion? Theodora originated from Paphlagonia. The Patria aertion? ?he wa? ?ub?equent occupied with Con?tantinople, ?sticking fleece. Michael the ?yrian, the Chronicle of 1234 and Bar-Hebraeu? area her ?ource in the town of Daman, be?ide Kalliniko?, ?yria. They repudiate Procopiu? by making Theodora the female offspring of an acknowledge mentor, instructed in the piou? practice? of Miaphy?iti?m ?ince birth. ?he wa? pre?ented to Ju?tinian all through one of hello there? vi?it? to the to the ea?t area? what's more, ?ub?equent wedded. The?e are Miaphy?ite cau?e? what's more, record her depiction amid?t con?tituent? of their statement of faith. The Miaphy?ite? have tended to con?ider Theodora a? one of their own and the cu?tom may have been made a? an approach to propel her notoriety. The?e account? are by and large di?regarded ?upportive Procopiu?. Theodora had an aeed impact on theater, ?upplementing a segment of orientali?m in upgrading the propo?al to the supreme per?on. ?he moreover aerted on the Empre acquiring the indistinguishable ?alute a? the Emperor from tho?e who went to the theater. ?he wa? obviously the fir?t Empre to do ?o. As per Procopiu?, Among the development? of Ju?tinian and Theodora in the administration of the Government there I? besides the accompanying. In very vintage time? the ?enate, a? it came into the Emperor? event, wa? u?ed to do obei?ance in the accompanying way. Any man of aristocrat grade ?aluted him on the privilege brea?t. Furthermore, the Emperor would ki him on the head and afterward bru?h a?ide him; yet all leftover portion fir?t calculated the correct knee to the Emperor and afterward pulled back. The Empre, in spite of the fact that, it wa? not in any way cu?tomary to ?alute. Be that as it may, in the ca?e of Ju?tinian and Theodora, the various con?tituent? of the ?enate and tho?e a? wel l who held the evaluation of Patrician?, when they went into their event, would pro?trate them?elve? to the floor, level all over?, and holding their hand? what's more, feet stretched out of sight would feel with their lip? one ba?e of each before ri?ing.For even Theodora wa? not di?po?ed to forego thi? te?timony to her nobility, ?he who followed up on a? despite the fact that the Roman Empire lay at her feet, however wa? by no mean? aver?e to acquiring even the ambaador? of the Per?ian? furthermore, of the other brute? also, to be?towing upon them pre?ent? of ca?h, a thing which had not ever happened ?ince the ?tarting of time. And keeping in mind that in previou? time? tho?e who came to upon the Emperor utili?ed ea?ily to call him Emperor and hello there? con?ort Empre, and utili?ed to addre every last one of the other magi?trate? in concurrence with hello there? ?tanding at the in?tant, yet in the event that any individual ?hould go in into discourse with both of the?e two and ?h ould u?e the phra?e? Sovereign are Empre and go erroneous to call them Ma?ter or Mi?tre, or ?hould embrace to u?e some other phra?e yet ?lave? in referencing to any of the magi?trate?, ?uch an individual would be accounted both fooli?h and excessively liberated from tongue, and, a? despite the fact that he had blundered mo?t grievou?ly and had rewarded with entire outrage tho?e who he ?hould by no mean? have ?o rewarded, would withdraw the supreme pre?ence. And keeping in mind that in previou? time? very couple of person? went into the Palace, and that too with adver?ity, yet ?ince when the?e did well to the seat, both magi?trate? and all other one? ?imultaneou?ly ?tayed surely in the Palace. What's more, the cau?e wa? that in the vintage day? the magi?trate? were permitted to do what wa? ju?t and legal a? aerted by their own judgment. Henceforth the magi?trate?, being u?ed by with their own admini?trative enterpri?e, utili?ed to ?tay in their own housing?, and the subject? of the Emperor, ?ince they neither glimp?ed neither saw of any continue of aggreion, irritated him, a? wa? to be envisioned, practically nothing. In any case, the?e ruler?, constantly drawing all issue? into their own hand? to the disaster area of their point?, constrained everybody to promenade participation upon them in mo?t ?ervile fa?hion; and it wa? prone to glimp?e, for all intents and purposes each day, all the law-theater?, from one perspective, for the mo?t part unfilled, however at the Emperor? Theater, on the oppo?ing, one would discover gathering? what's more, in?olence and ?trong affecting and all the time nothing yet ?ervility. What's more, tho?e who were pre?umed to get physically involved with the grand two, ?tanding there relentlely the entire day and much of the time all through the bigger part of the night, being without snooze and without nouri?hment at the regular hour?, were fini?hed to death, and thi? wa? all that their showing up great trea?ure added up to. Furthermore, when at degree they were ?et liberated from all thi?, the poor youthful person? would squabble with one another over the request of what had happened to the ca?h of the Roman?. For while ?ome ?u?tained that it wa? all in the owner?hip of the savage?, other one? ?help that the Emperor kept it clo?e up in countless uncommon room?. ?o when Ju?tinian either, on the off chance that he I? a man, goe? away thi? life, or, a? being the Lord of the terrible ?pirit? , lay? hello? life separated, all who have the trea?ure to have suffered to that time will under?tand reality. Festoon point? that for all the accu?ation? again?t Theodora encompaed in the ?ecret Hi?tory, there I? one miing. There I? no notice of her being unfaithful to Ju?tinian. Procopiu? plea?ure? in relating how hello? other very popular ladylike objective, Antonina, cuckolded Beli?ariu?. He proceed? calm on Theodora. In?tead he notice? her own activitie? to negate the main gossip in comparative with her dedication that I? refered to in the entire work. Furthermore, at one time an uncertainty began that Theodora wa? ?glove with adoration for one of the dome?tic?, Areobindu? by title, a man of brute heredity yet withal hand?ome and adolescent, who ?he her?elf had, a? it risked, assigned to be ?teward; ?o ?he, de?iring to fight the a?cribe, however they ?tate that ?he did adore the man de?pairingly, decided for the in?tant to abuse him mo?t callou?ly for no real source, and after we knew nothing at about the man, neither ha? any individual glimp?ed him to thi? day. A dull accu?ation of Procopiu? wa? that Theodora rewarded grave issue? a? subject? of disparagement. Anyway Garland reported the demon?tration? he refer to? try not to show up all that ?eriou?. In fact ?he moreover made it her enterpri?e, when it showed up be?t to her, to change even the mo?t grave undertaking? to an occasion for nonsense, a? however ?he were on the ?tage in the theater. What's more, on a specific occasion one of the aristocrat?, a vintage man who had exhausted quite a while in office - who?e title I will by no mean? notice, however I under?tand it well, that I may not uncertainly expand the di?grace which dropped upon him - being unable to aemble a risk from one of the Empre dome?tic? who wa? obliged him an enormous expansion, a?ked to her in arrangement to lay an a?cribe again?t the man who had settled on a concurrence with him and to importune her to help him to get ju?tice. Be that as it may, Theodora, di?covering of hello there? rea?on in quicken, in?tructed the eunuch? that when the aristocrat preceded her, they ?hould all ?tand about him in an around and ?hould hear mindfully to her a? ?he talked, propo?ing to them what phra?e? they ?hould ?tate in the sort of a re?pon?e. What's more, when the aristocrat went into the ladies? quarter?, he did greetings? obei?ance before her in the cu?tomary kind, and with a face that showed up ?tained with tear?, ?help, Mi?tre, it I? a grievou? thing for a man of aristocrat evaluation to be needing cash. For that which in the ca?e of other men call? forward forgivene and compaion I? accounted outrageou? in men of my position. For in the ca?e of some other man in farthe?t de?titution, it I? likely, ea?ily by aerting thi? detail to hello? loan boss?, to escape ?traightway from the humilitation, however on the off chance that a man of aristocrat grade ?hould not have the mean? to rendezvou? greetings? commitment? to greetings? loan boss?, mo?t expected he would be embarraed to make reference to it, however in the event that he did specify it, he would not ever be acknowledged, ?ince all men would ?eem that it I? not a possible thing for ?carcity to be a hou?emate of a man of thi? cla. Be that as it may, on the off chance that he doe? win conviction, it will drop to hello there? apportioning to hold up under the mo?t ?hameful and cau?ing angui?h pain of all [?ocial di?grace]. Presently, my Mi?tre, I do have monetary family member? with men, ?ome of who have loaned their issue to me, and ?ome have ?crounged from me. A? for my loan boss?, who mo?t per?i?tently hound my ?tep?, I am unfit through the di?grace right to my place to put them off, while a? for tho?e who are in obligation to me, ?ince they happen not to be aristocrat?, they take asylum in certain brutal excu?e?. Along these lines I implore and ?upplicate and argue you to help me in getting my benefit? what's more, in escaping from my pre?ent sick?. ?o he ?jab. Also, the lady an?wered, in ?ing-?ong, O Patrician ?o-and ?o (naming him), and the choru? of eunuch?, making up for lost time the harm, ?help re?pon?ively, It? an enormous hernia you have! Furthermore, when the man afre?h made ?upplication and articulated phra?e? re?embling what he had ?help previously, the lady an?wered afre?h in the indistinguishable harm and the choru? recited the an?wer, until the poor scalawag in de?pair made howdy? obei?ance in the cu?tomary kind and leaving thus returned home. Laurel comment? that the view took area in the connection ?eclu?ion of the ladies? theatreer? where Theodora could fall the majestic ceremony gravity and enli?t in per?onal joke?. Procopiu? other demon?tration of taunting grave issue? anxietie? the wedding function of two ari?tocratic young lady?. There were two young ladies in Byzantium who were ?i?ter?; they were not just the off?pring of a con?ular father and of three age? of Con?ul?,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bamboo Growth (Dracaena sanderiana) Essay -- Environment, Lucky Bamboo
This examination was led to explore light power consequences for fortunate bamboo vegetative development in Azad University, Abhar Branch during 2008. The test was orchestrated as a total randomized square plan with 5 medications (0.75, 1.14, 1.89, 2.29 and 4.09 à µmolâËâ¢m-2âËâ¢s-1) in 10 replication. Results demonstrated that 1.89 à µmol/m-2/s-1 had huge contrasts from others medications. The more significant level of root number, shoot length and absolute load of plants were acquired in 1.89 à µmolâËâ¢m-2âËâ¢s-1 reatment. Number of shoot, shoot length and number of leaf per shoot were vary in various hubs and were most elevated in increasing gesture. Seedlings attributes are during the development time as an essential factor in deciding a definitive destiny of the plants. Along these lines ought to be attempted consistently seedlings need to generally excellent condition. Seedling development and quality are under impacted by natural elements including light power (Lavendar, 1984). On the off chance that natural factors, for example, light force changes, likewise are under influence different elements and last nature of seedlings (Chaar et al., 1997). Seedling makers with changing and upgrading the light power directed the seedlings development, advancement, and plant vegetative quality (Lavendar, 1984). Fortunate Bamboo with the logical name Dracaena sanderiana has possessed to Dracaenaceae family. This assortment of dracaena doesn't have a place with genuine bamboos of the Poaceae family. This plant are well known in light of the fact that delightful leaves and power to loft conditions. This plant is among plants that permitted backhanded and low light force. So they characterized in plants bunch with low light need (Brown, 2008). Earthy colored (2008) detailed ... ...aftereffects of this test indicated that Lucky Bamboo is including Plants that have required too minimal light power. High light power can be cause yellowing of leaves. On the off chance that need of results these trials have a general proposal for keeping these plants in condo in this manner can say Because the aggregate sum of light delivered by sodium lights with 400 watts at 3 meters separation is proportionate to 19 à µmol s-1m-2. So utilization of a sodium or fluorescent light with 40 watts can to give power equivalent to 1/9 à µmol s-1m-2 for the plant (Barzegar and Yadegari, 2010). As that saw of this test the best treatment of light power for the ideal development in Lucky bamboo plant is proportional vitality to 1/89 à µmol s-1m-2. Can likewise gave light force expected to this shade-accommodating plant with utilize a 40-watt radiant light at a three meters separation condo.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive July 27 Essay Writing Seminar (Live Online)
Blog Archive July 27 Essay Writing Seminar (Live Online) How can you write essays that grab the attention of MBA admissions committees? mbaMission Founder/President, Jeremy Shinewald will use this simple but often perplexing question as the starting point for a seminar for prospective business school applicants. Attendees will walk through a series of examples, challenging their understanding of the essays themselves. The goal of this seminar is to help you uncover your stories, craft compelling opening statements, develop meaningful goal statements, connect your goals to your target schoolâs resources, and more. There will be a QA session after the presentation and Jeremy will remain online to discuss your personal inquiries. Join us for this valuable event that will be essential to your B-School planning! All attendees of this exclusive event will receive:$100 off any 9-session ManhattanGMAT course Free access to a ManhattanGMAT computer adaptive practice exam Free half hour consultation with an mbaMission consultant Sign up today! Share ThisTweet mbaMission Events
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Interview At The Neptune Police Department Essay
Introduction The name of my interviewee is James Robert MacConchie. He works for the Neptune Police Department, in Neptune New Jersey. He is a member of the police force from my hometown, this is how I was able to get this interviewee. Over Thanksgiving break, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. MacConchie in person. The interview took place at the Neptune police station on the 22nd of November. I went into the interview not knowing anything about my interviewee, so it was very interesting to learn about this officer and how he feels about topics relating to his job. Personal Information To start off the interview, I asked Mr. MacConchie some personal questions that I though might be beneficial to making the interview more personal and interesting. I first asked him how old he was, which he replied with 29. I then asked if he was married and if he had any kids. He replied with yes, heââ¬â¢s been married for 4 years, and has two daughters, ages one and two. I thought that this would make the conversation easier when talking later about the aspects of his job relating it to family. I then began to ask if he was a sworn law enforcement officer/agent, he replied with ââ¬Å"yes, my current position is an undercover police officer. This entitles me to wear street clothes, while I am on the job.â⬠As the conversation went on, I learned that he has been in the current position for about a year. Before transitioning to this position, he had originally been a traffic officer for threeShow MoreRelatedProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words à | à 860 Pagesper-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the Web at Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, e-mail: Limit of LiabilityDisclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparingRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words à |à 102 PagesPort Harcourt, located in the mouth of the Niger River. When the Hesseltine crossed the equator, Hughes shipmates initiated him as a Son of Neptune. Father Neptune, the ships carpenter, wore a wooden crown and a fake beard. Shipmates shaved Hughes head, baptized him with oil from the ships tank, and presented him with of an official Son of Neptune certificate. The freighter steamed ninety miles up the Congo River, deep into Belgian territory, where Hughes observed black soldiers withRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words à |à 760 Pagesupdated: April 26, 2016 Logical Reasoning Bradley H. Dowden Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA ii iii Preface Copyright à © 2011-14 by Bradley H. Dowden This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions:Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words à |à 702 Pagesauthorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201)748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, website To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945). Library of Congress
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Social Control and Symbolic Interactionism in Literature...
Social Control and Symbolic Interactionism in Literature The way in which social order is achieved has been the subject of many theories presented by respectable sociologists such as Emile Durkheim, Thomas Hobbes, George Herbert Mead, and Karl Marx. Among the most prominent of these theories are Hobbesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Social Controlâ⬠theory and Meadsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Symbolic Interactionismâ⬠theory. Through these two theories, it is possible to gain a better understanding of how social order can be achieved. The social control theory of Thomas Hobbes has five basic premises to it. The first premise is that humans are egotistical beings that will do anything to fulfill their wants and desires. The second premise is based on the idea that because humansâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Most human beings continually strive to achieve goals that they perceive as valuable. This theory is best illustrated by American culture where competitiveness and the drive for escalation in social status is apparent in just about everyone. American colleges and universities are often the breeding ground of competitiveness for jobs after graduation. By looking at the large number of students enrolled in secondary education, it can be seen that many Americans choose to receive schooling in hopes of making more money and gaining an elevated social status. The second premise of Hobbesââ¬â¢ theory is where he seems he contradicts himself. The contradiction comes from him saying that deviance and crime are human nature, and then in his fifth premise saying that membersââ¬â¢ adhere to societal norms because they fear a horrible and painful physical or social death. If the fifth premise were true, then no one would commit crimes or become deviant, which contradicts the second premise of deviance and crime should be expected. The fifth premise also seems invalid because it does not account for the vast number of criminals that are in jail or that have been executed. Obviously, the fear of social or physical death did not stop the large number of inmates that are flowing though the American criminal justice system. It does explain though, why those who are not in jail chose to follow societal norms. Most would agree that theShow MoreRelatedSymbolic Interactionsim1477 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONSIM Abstract Since the beginning of Symbolic Interactionsim, when George Herbert Mead coined the theory, despite its lack of official information, anyone who studies the theory can see how it relates and is true to most, if not all human beings and the culture that they derive from. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Yoga And Leadership Related Leadership - 1116 Words
A few years ago, I discovered the nature of yoga. It has become a way of life for me; a form of stress relief. Something Iââ¬â¢m sure any college student knows about all to well. But as a student in business, Iââ¬â¢ve come to realize yoga and leadership are closely aligned. I know what your thinking... how in the world are yoga and leadership related. Leadership connects to the business world; it is for companies, and organizations. Well, Iââ¬â¢m here to tell you it is not all about business. Here are 5 Ways Yoga and leadership are related 1. Purposeful. Every yoga session typical begins by setting an intention for your practice. Where will your awareness be directed towards? As silly as this may seem, itââ¬â¢s important to set an intention every dayâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A purposeful leader understands the impact they have on society. Whether it is waiting 5 seconds before entering a building to open the door for someone, helping serve the homeless, or traveling to the poorest countries of the world to build homes. Anybody has the power to impact the world. 2. Empowering As a leader, it is your job to stand up against certain challenges, even if speaking up may be difficult. Leaders are responsible for motivating individuals to take initiative and problem solve. Empowerment in leadership is crucial. Defined by The Wordbank, ââ¬Å"empowerment is the process of enhancing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomesâ⬠. Empowerment is knowing the power to succeed. So how the heck is this related to yoga and why does this matter? First, Yoga teaches you to listen to your own instinct. It helps you to stay in tune with yourself and to understand what you truly wish to achieve. Next, yoga makes you feel valued. Through this, you realize you have the capability to achieve whatever you desire. This is important to leadership because in order to lead we need to know ourselves first. Leadership cannot begin without understanding ourselves and our values. 3. Clarity A relaxed mind is an open mind. One of the sole reasons I practiced yoga is for clarity. It helps to remove the chaos and puts busy thoughts to rest. As a result, this
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Charles Dickens Oliver Twist free essay sample
A look at the character Oliver Twist in the Dickens novel of the same name. The actual case of this passage was much more grotesque. It was a soldier raping a towns woman, and afterward, she would get hanged. This was a beautiful lie that Artemio Cruz had created. It was his male egoistic fantasy: a woman who did as he wished, to sleep with if and when he wanted and to be followed, and to be cooked for. Cruz and Fuentes, with their description of the past event, were able to create a romantic moment out of a rape scene. This was akin to the details that Cruz had remembered so thoroughly, as he blended unpleasant images that had pleasant meanings and vice versa. Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812. This book is a fiction novel set in the 19th century and is said to be one of Charles Dickens best; and undoubtedly his most popular. We will write a custom essay sample on Charles Dickens Oliver Twist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Charles Dickens is an extremely well known and an accomplished writer both in his day and in ours. Some of his best and infamous novels include Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Tale Of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, Hard Times, and Nicholas Nickleby. Oliver Twist was begun in 1837, and continued in monthly parts until April 1839. To the readers of his books the characters are the most intriguing parts of his novels. By keeping his details very close to reality he forms colourful characters and a thoughtful use of setting. His books are mostly fantasy and are full of imagination.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Where in the World Classroom Icebreaker
'Where in the World' Classroom Icebreaker Technology and transportation in the modern world have given us the opportunity to learn so much more, often first hand, about the rest of the world. If you havenââ¬â¢t had the privilege of global traveling, you may have experienced the thrill of conversing with foreigners online or working side-by-side with them in your industry. The world becomes a smaller place the more we get to know each other. When you have a gathering of people from various countries, this icebreaker is a breeze, but itââ¬â¢s also fun when participants are all from the same place and know each other well. Everyone is capable of dreams that cross borders. To make this icebreaker kinetic, require that one of the three clues be a physical motion. For example, skiing, golfing, painting, fishing, etc. Basic information about the Where in the World Icebreaker: Ideal Size: Up to 30. Divide larger groups.Use For: Introductions in the classroom or at a meeting, especially when you have an international group of participants or an international topic to discuss.Time Needed: 30 minutes, depending on the size of the group. Instructions Give people a minute or two to think of three clues that describe, but donââ¬â¢t give away, either the country they are from (if different from the one youââ¬â¢re in) or their favorite foreign place they have visited or dream of visiting. When ready, each person gives their name and their three clues, and the rest of the group guesses where in the world they are describing. Give each person a minute or two to explain what they like best about their favorite place in the world. Start with yourself so they have an example. If you want students on their feet and moving, require that one clue be a physical motion like swimming, hiking, golfing, etc. This clue may include verbal help or not. You choose. For example: Hi, my name is Deb. One of my favorite places in the world is tropical, has a beautiful body of water you can climb, and is near a popular cruise port (I am physically imitating climbing). After guessing is finished: One of my favorite places in the world is Dunnââ¬â¢s River Falls near Ocho Rios, Jamaica. We stopped there on a Caribbean cruise and had the marvelous opportunity of climbing the falls. You start at sea level and can climb 600 feet gradually up the river, swimming in pools, standing under small falls, sliding down smooth rocks. Itââ¬â¢s a beautiful and fantastic experience. Debriefing Your Students Debrief by asking for reactions from the group and asking if anybody has a question for another participant. You will have listened carefully to the introductions. If somebody has chosen a place related to your topic, use that place as a transition to your first lecture or activity.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Converse Terms
Converse Terms Converse Terms Converse Terms By Sharon Ive been reading a book on linguistics recently. During the process I have discovered some new terminology, such as converse terms. This phrase describes pairs of words where one word reverses the relationship that is denoted by the first. As someone else put it, theres a relationship of equivalence. In other words, if you are my mother, then I have to be your daughter. If I am standing over a bridge, then the bridge is under my feet. Here are some more examples: ancestor and descendant before and after bequeath and inherit buy and sell doctor and patient employer and employee father and son give and receive guest and host husband and wife infer and imply lend and borrow parents and children predator and prey sister and brother teach and learn teacher and student trainer and trainee Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1How to Pronounce MobilePreposition Mistakes #1: Accused and Excited
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Scientific managers believe in business organisations without people Essay
Scientific managers believe in business organisations without people and human relations managers believe in people without organisations - Essay Example It is because of its problem solving capabilities through the application of scientific methods that it came to be put forth as a means of managing industries (Hughes 2004, p.251). Despite its falling into disuse for a number of years in main stream industries, its resilience can be seen through its being applied in different industries in the modern world as a means of boosting production. It was reported that during its initial application, this form of management became quite unpopular with workers because of the higher demand that it required of them. The initial application of scientific management creates a situation where there were threats of and at times actual strikes in a bid to remove the system from being used. This was because apart from the high demands it made from workers; it was also responsible for alienating them in such a manner that it put more emphasis on the importance of organizations at the expense of workers. Because of its stressing the importance of organizations, scientific management made it possible for the development of policies, which were designed to ensure that workers had to work for longer hours for lesser pay as a means of maximizing their potential while at the same time increasing profits. This system concentrated more on increasing worker output for so that industries could produce more goods for sale, hence creating a situation where the industry can continue to make profits while making maximum use of its workers. Scientific management came to be extremely popular in planned economies such as the Soviet Union and East Germany through the advocacy of Aleksei Gastev, who believed in the scientific organization of labour to ensure that the Soviet Union came to achieve maximum growth (Beissinger 1988, p.35). It can be said that the ideas of scientific management still have a significant influence on how management is conducted in the modern world since some companies in suc h countries
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Workplace Diversity and Nondiscrimination Essay
Workplace Diversity and Nondiscrimination - Essay Example he uphill task of supervising the offenders, managing the staff, overseeing administration and promoting community relations in and out of the office. The following paper describes the role played by a criminal justice administrator to address issues of sexual harassment, drug testing, privacy, employment and disability affecting employees. As stated by Cyndi (2008) ââ¬ËAlthough, it is expected that an employee abides by the company laws, it is also the duty of the employer to create a conducive environment, for an employee to workââ¬â¢. To properly ensure this rapport, the criminal justice administrator was introduced. For example, scenarios of sexual harassment have been reported in offices and working places. When such claims are reported the criminal justice administrator has the responsibility of taking up legal actions against the offenders. This could be done by reporting the incident to the local authorities and pushing for legal actions to be taken against the offender. The criminal administrator should also see to it that the victim is adequately and properly compensated (Brian, 2009). Cyndi (2008) explains that many private and public employers attempt to test prospective employees (and employees already on staff) for drug and alcohol use. However, some of these tests are illegal and should not be allowed in the office presentation. Urine and blood testing for drugs has been a normal procedure for an employer to use when selecting their employees. But legal acts prohibit employers from testing employeeââ¬â¢s samples without their knowledge or consent (Craig, 2005). When such cases where the employer goes against the legal rights of the employee, the criminal justice administrator should step in and provide legal advice to the victim on the steps to take. Further, the criminal administrator should also report the incident to the authorities and ensure proper compensation. In addition, the employer should respect the privacy and confidentiality of his
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Analysis of Decline and Rise of Various Business Activities in the U.K. Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Decline and Rise of Various Business Activities in the U.K. Essay In this task, I will need to decide what the core activity is in each of my two businesses and whether they are dealing with products, services or both. In the UK some of these business activities are becoming more common and others are becoming less common. I will need to find out the broad trends for these business activities and how they affect the businesses that I am investigating. The legal status of Freelance Audio Productions is an equal partnership between Martin and Nikki Rider. The company was set up in 1986, but has only been trading as Freelance Audio Productions for four years. The company doesnt make a product, the service it provides is audio production based which includes performance arts, supplying of equipment and supplying of production services and facilities. FAP falls into the category of the Tertiary Sector. There are many departments that operate within FAP, but there are two departments that control most of Freelance Audio Productions. These are Stage sound and Showbiz. Stage Sound. FAP Stage Sound has been in operation for fourteen years but has only been working under Freelance Audio Productions for the last four years. FAP Stage Sound specialises in renting out sound equipment and educating young trainees. FAP Stage Sound is a continuously growing business which is also shown in the trend of the tertiary sector. Showbiz. FAP Showbiz controls all of the private singing and dancing lessons and the Pop School. FAP Pop School is the newest addition to Freelance Audio Productions. The main target of this is to educate people, mainly children, form the ages of two upwards in the field of music and dance. Girls and boys of all ages learn to sing and dance and put together routines. Shows are then put on as large events where many tickets are sold but little profit is made. Graph showing the Tertiary sector total. (See Appendix 1) FAP and connections with the sectors. Freelance Audio Productions works under the tertiary sector in the departments of other services and education. The Stage Sound aspect of FAP comes under other services, and the private lessons and Pop School comes under education. (See Appendix 2) Freelance Audio has no direct connections with any of the other sectors, but, the other departments in the Tertiary Sector play a large part in the success or failure of FAP. Martin Rider has a community web site on the Internet, and does a lot of theatrical work. As the Internet industry is doing very well at the moment, and FAP is hoping to spread all over the UK, communications help a lot to promote this business. The best way to promote the business locally is while shows are going on. The department leisure includes theatre and public events, and locally, FAP is involved with all theatrical work and most public events. Leisure is one of the fastest growing industries in the tertiary sector which gives an indication on how well FAP should be doing. (Appendix 4) FAP can be affected by the secondary sector. The only way that FAP is affected by any other sectors is the fluctuations in manufacturing of electrical goods in the secondary sector. This can cause problems when attempting to purchase specialised equipment for shows or upgrading the current range of products. Conclusion. Although currently small, Freelance Audio Productions is growing very fast as a result of the tertiary sector departments that it is part of. Over the next few years, new contacts with other businesses in the UK will be made, and maybe other sectors will come as a part of the company. The legal status of Lantra is a charitable limited company. Lantra is owned and run by a board of directors. If Lantra goes bust or bankrupt, each director has a liability of one pound. Lantra has a very complicated range of services. Most of the services is education, training and policy work for the government. Most of the work is in the land based sector, which is to do with farming, agriculture and environmental conservation. Lantra sets the standards that the GNVQs are set upon. The GNVQs for land based studies is set by Lantra. There are three operating Companies which work under the umbrella company, Lantra. These are called, Lantra Awards, Lantra National Training Organisation and Lantra Agenda. These are explained in depth in the following text. Lantra Awards. Lantra Awards is a new organisation within the Lantra. The aim of this company is to provide an innovative and responsive awarding service. Lantra Awards assesses trainees, and if the needed standards are met, appropriate awards are rewarded to them. The awards given are recognised by the government and can help acquire a job or an apprenticeship. Lantra Agenda. Lantra Agenda training specialises in management training and consultancy services and the co-ordination of work based training. Agenda courses range from increasing personal dynamics and communication effectiveness to waste management and include a range of health, safety and quality assurance courses. Below are some of the services that Lantra Agenda Provide. Although some are training, they are referred to as a product as they are sold to external agencies also. Management training and business consultancy Business development consultancy Benchmarking Management and supervisory training Train the trainer programmes Vocational Programmes National Traineeships Modern Apprenticeships (Skillseekers in Scotland) Approves centre for N/SVQs Assessment and certification in key skills, hazardous operations and safety training and management. Lantra National Training Organisation (Lantra NTO). Lantra NTO has a wide ranging selection of activities which spans from conducting labour market research to supporting local training providers. The key role of Lantra NOT is to link government and industry. There are eleven industry groups that work in Lantra NTO. These are: agricultural crops agricultural livestock production horticulture landscaping environmental conservation game conservation fish farming agricultural and garden machinery fencing floristry professions allied to veterinary science Graph showing the Tertiary sector total. (See Appendix 1) Lantra and connections with the sectors. Lantra is a peculiar organisation as it is based in not only the tertiary sector, but the primary sector also. Lantra is primarily based in the tertiary sector as it deals with training, education, and the selling of a product, retail. Previously, Lantra was a primary sector, land based organisation. As recent trends show, the primary sector is in rapid decline (Appendix 3) so the company had to think up a new idea to save the business. This is when selling training courses as a product and the company Lantra Awards came into play. These two ideas brought Lantra into the Tertiary sector which is an overall higher earning sector (Appendix 1). This would have both increased the companies value and broadened the types of customers. If the Primary sector decreases, Lantra will be injured as the company still relies mainly on the land based agricultural departments. If the need for more farms arrives, this would be perfect for the training aspect of Lantra as the business would rocket. Conclusion. Even though Lantra is in the primary sector, which is decreasing, the departments which are in the tertiary sector provide a safety net and a higher income. I think that Awards and Agenda will take over and NTO will slowly disappear as the need for agricultural based activities is in decline.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The British Music Invasion: The Effects on Society and Culture Essay
à à à à à ââ¬Å"So the British invasion was more important as an event, as a mood: than as musicâ⬠(Bangs, 171). This was the British invasion. I wasnââ¬â¢t just about the music, it was more then that; this is what makes it so unique. It didnââ¬â¢t just happen to effect America by chance, it lifted the spirits and moods of its youth. It isnââ¬â¢t just coincidence that Kennedy was assassinated right before the Beatles famous Ed Sullivan Show performance. The whole country was in a deep depressive doldrum after the assassination, and for good reason. The British invasion was needed by Americans to snap out of this funk, and this was just the thing to do it. (One thing that Americans used to avoid the depressing times was to use illegal drugs, but that will be elaborated on later.) This is what it was all about; sure it was about the music, but it brought more, it brought a way of life across the ocean. à à à à à A lot of the invasion stayed in that generation, many bands and songs that were big then are all but totally forgotten about now. Bands such as the Searchers, the Swinging Blue Jeans, and Gerry and the Pacemakers all had one or two great hits which stayed in that time. This however, was part of the beauty of it all. Some of the music stayed with us thirty years later, and thatââ¬â¢s great, it gives us a good sampling of the time. On the other hand, you have the music that was meant for the era, and not for future generations. That is part of the uniqueness of it all, and Lester Bangs says it best when he tells how it doesnââ¬â¢t matter that the music isnââ¬â¢t listened to anymore, thatââ¬â¢s not what it was for. It was for the time, it was a ââ¬Å"timepieceâ⬠. à à à à à On the other hand, we have the bands that were not simply ââ¬Å"timepiecesâ⬠and were able to stick around three decades later. These bands are the Who, the Kinks, the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. This is another aspect of why the invasion was so influential. Where would we be in rock and roll with out the Beatles, and on a slightly lesser extent the Stones. These bands transformed rock into what we know it today. Without them, the way might not have been paved for Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and countless others. Both sides of the spectrum were extremely important for the invasion to have the long lasting effects it continues to have. à à à à à Cu... ...s, it was a time of great turbulence from start to finish. Protests, assassinations, war, pacifists; they all played a major role in the United States during this time. Something substantial had to happen to help relieve some of the on going woes. It was the British music. Not once, but twice, within a span of ten years were the British the influence that helped get us over those times. It may have been in a more positive way in the first wave, and maybe in a more negative way in the second, introducing an entire drug culture, but either way it made an impact. I have always viewed the 60ââ¬â¢s as one of the most intriguing decades to live in, because of its culture shock that occurred during this time. It was the decade of peace, love and drugs; it would have been great to be there to experience these things. Nevertheless, in the research I have done, I have realized the importance of not only the British music on this decade, but all of the feelings behind the music, all of t he meanings and emotions and social change which it encouraged. It was the decade with the highest highs and the lowest lows in the last half-century. It was the time when British music saved America from itself.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Talk Show Script
Twenty-five years I'm alive here still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope For a destination I realized quickly when I knew I should That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man For whatever that means And so I cry sometimes When I'm lying in bed Just to get it all out What's in my head And I, I am feeling a little peculiar. And so I wake in the morning And I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high And I scream from the top of my lungs What's going on? And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah, HEY yeah yeaI said hey, what's going on? And I say: HEY! yeah yeaaah, HEY yeah yea I said hey, what's going on? ooh, ooh ooooooooooooooooh ooh, ooh ooooooooooooooooh and I try, oh my god do I try I try all the time, in this institution And I pray, oh my god do I pray I pray all sanctity For a revolution. And so I cry sometimes When I'm lying bed Just to get it all out What's in my head And I, I am feeling a little peculiar And so I wake in the morning And I step outside A nd I take a deep breath and I get real high And I scream from the top of my lungs What's going on?And I say, hey hey hey hey I said hey, what's going on? And I say, hey hey hey hey I said hey, what's going on? And I say, hey hey hey hey I said hey, what's going on? And I say, hey hey hey hey I said hey, what's going on? ooh, ooh ooooooooooooooooh ooooooooooooooooh Twenty-five years I'm alive here still Trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination source:à http://www. lyricsondemand. com/onehitwonders/whatsuplyrics. html Stanza 1 Paraphrae of the poem The guy looked so innocent and sincere, so his betrayal was most nexpected as she thought his quiet eyes were signs of love. She sympathised with him as he seemed like he was longing for love and companionship. Stanza 2 She regrets that she had not listened to the advice to be wary of man who like to flirt and who only look for pleasure. She should not have compromised on her principles as well. If she had been more careful, she would not be wondering about his betrayal, how and why it happened as well as how and why she let it happen to her.Stanza 3 Here is an advice to young girls out there. Make sure that being nice to another person means to be pleasant, friendly and kind. One need not be intimate with someone else in order to be considered a nice person. Take heed of this advice and one will not be taken advantage of, although one may fall in love more than once. Elements of the poem Theme The main theme of the poem is the exploration of human feelings through the sharing of the experiences.The pesona has gone through a bad experience of being betrayed in love and her experience is being related by the author. At the same time, the author is also giving advice on how to avoid getting into the same predicament as the pesona. Another theme in the poem is the betrayal of a young girlââ¬â¢s love. She had believed that the man was sincere as he was able to fool her with his ââ¬Ëquiet eyes ââ¬â¢. As a result, she gave her love wholeheartedly to him, only to find out later that he had ulterior motives.Deception is also a theme in the poem. The man had deceptive eyes, but the girl was so infatuated with him that she did not realize his hidden agendas. The man was only interested in getting into bed with her and nothing else. The poem also revolves around the theme of meaningful relationships. The author advises young women to be careful when starting a relationship. They should make sure that the relationship is based on true love and not merely physical attraction.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Brief Timeline of Events in America - 1626 - 1650
Between 1626 and 1650, the new American colonies chafed at being so close to political rivals, and squabbled with one another over borders, religious freedom, and self-government.à The key events including ongoing wars with Native American residents, and disputes with the government of Charles I of England. 1626 May 4: Dutch colonist and politician Peter Minuit (1580ââ¬â1585) arrives for his second visit at the mouth of the Hudson River in New Netherland . September: Minuit buys Manhattan from the Native Americans for items worth approximately $24 (60 guilders: although the amount isnt added to the story until 1846). He then names the island New Amsterdam. 1627 Plymouth Colony and New Amsterdam begin trading. Sir Edwin Sandys (1561ââ¬â1629) sends a shipload of approximately 1,500 kidnapped children from England to the Virginia colony; it is one of several programs used by Sandys and others sending unemployed, vagrants and other undesirable multitudes to offset horrifying mortality rates in the colonies. 1628 June 20: A group of settlers led by John Endecott settles at Salem. This begins the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Collegiate School, the first independent school in America is established by the Dutch West India School and the Dutch Reformed Church in New Amsterdam. 1629 March 18: King Charles I signs a royal charter establishing the Massachusetts Bay . The Dutch West India Company begins to give land grants to patrons who will bring at least 50 settlers to the colonies. October 20: John Winthrop (1588ââ¬â1649) is elected the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. October 30: King Charles I grants Sir Robert Heath a territory in North America that is to be called Carolina. The founder of Maine, Ferdinand Gorges (ca. 1565ââ¬â1647), gives the south part of the colony to co-founder John Mason (1586ââ¬â1635), which part becomes the Province of New Hampshire. 1630 April 8: The Winthrop Fleet, 11 ships with over 800 English colonists led by John Winthrop, leave England to settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony; it is the first great wave of immigration from England. After he arrives, Winthrop begins writing the notebooks of his life and experiences in the colony, part of which will be published as the History of New England in 1825 and 1826.Boston is officially established. William Bradford (1590ââ¬â1657), Governor of Plymouth colony, begins writing History of Plymouth Plantation. 1631 May: Despite the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter, it is decided that only church members are allowed to become freemen who are allowed to vote for colony officials. 1632 In the Massachusetts Bay Colony issues such as no taxation without representation and representative government are beginning to be addressed. King Charles I grants George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, a royal charter to found the Maryland Colony. Since Baltimore is Roman Catholic, the right to religious freedom is granted to Maryland. 1633 October 8: The first town government is organized in the city of Dorchester within the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1634 March: The first English settlers for the new Maryland colony arrive in North America. 1635 April 23: The Boston Latin School, the first public school in what would become the United States, is established in Boston, Massachusetts. April 23: A naval battle occurs between Virginia and Maryland, one of several confrontations over boundary disputes between the two colonies. April 25: The Council for New England revokes the charter for the Massachusetts Bay Company. The colony refuses to yield to this, however. Roger Williams is ordered banished from Massachusetts after criticizing the colony and promoting the idea of separation of church and state. 1636 The Town Act is passed in the Massachusetts Bay general court giving towns the ability to govern themselves to some extent, including the power to allocate land, and take care of local business. Thomas Hooker (1586ââ¬â1647) arrives in Hartford Connecticut and founds the first church of the territory. June: Roger Williams (1603ââ¬â1683) founds the present-day city of Providence, Rhode Island. July 20: Open warfare begins between the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies and the Pequot Indians after the death of New England trader John Oldham. September 8: Harvard University is founded. 1637 May 26: After numerous encounters, the Pequot Indians are massacred by a force of Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, and Plymouth colonists. The tribe is virtually eliminated in what becomes known as the Mystic Massacre. November 8: Anne Hutchinson (1591ââ¬â1643) is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, because of theological differences. 1638 Anne Hutchinson leaves for Rhode Island and founds Pocasset (later renamed Portsmouth) with William Coddington (1601ââ¬â1678) and John Clarke (1609ââ¬â1676). August 5: Peter Minuit dies in a shipwreck in the Caribbean. 1639 January 14: The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, describing the government set up by towns along the Connecticut River, are enacted. Sir Ferdinando Gorges is named the governor of Maine by royal charter. August 4: New Hampshire Colony settlers sign the Exeter Compact, establishing their freedom from strict religious and economic rules. 1640 Dutch colonists settle in the Delaware River area, after driving out English colonists from Virginia and Connecticut. 1641 New Hampshire seeks the governmental help of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, providing the towns have self-rule, and that membership in the church is not required. 1642 In what would become known as Kiefts War, New Netherland fights against the Hudson River Valley Indians who have been making raids against the colony. Willem Kieft was director of the colony from 1638ââ¬â1647. Both sides will sign a truce in 1645 that will last a year. 1643 May: The New England Confederation, also known as the United Colonies of New England, a confederation of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Plymouth, and New Hampshire, is formed. August: Anne Hutchinson is murdered with her family by Siwanoy warriors on Long Island. 1644 Roger Williams returns to England where he wins a royal charter for Rhode Island, and offends conservative English politicians by calling for religious toleration and separation of church and state. 1645 August: The Dutch and the Hudson River Valley Indians sign a peace treaty, ending four years of warfare. The New England Confederation sign a peace treaty with the Narragansett Indians. 1646 November 4: Massachusetts becomes increasingly intolerant as they pass a law making heresy punishable by death. 1647 Peter Stuyvesant (1610ââ¬â1672) assumes the leadership of New Netherland; he would be the last Dutch director-general of the colony, when it is ceded to the English and renamed New York in 1664. May 19ââ¬â21: Rhode Island General Assembly drafts a constitution allowing for separation of church and state. 1648 The Dutch and the Swedes compete for the land around present-day Philadelphia on the Schuylkill River. They each build forts and the Swedes burn down the Dutch fort twice. 1649 January 30: King Charles I of the House of Stuart is executed in England for high treason; Virginia, Barbados, Bermuda, and Antigua continue to support his family the House of Stuart. April 21: The Maryland Toleration Act is passed by the colonys assembly, allowing for religious freedom. Maine also passes legislation allowing for religious freedom. 1650 April 6: Maryland is allowed to have a bicameral legislature by order of Lord Baltimore. August: Virginia is blockaded by England after declaring allegiance to the House of Stuart. Source Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M., ed. The Almanac of American History. Barnes Nobles Books: Greenwich, CT, 1993.
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